You at least 18 years of age, and a legal adult in the jurisdiction in which you reside. You are voluntarily choosing to access this site and the material contained therein, and do not find either descriptions or depictions, by textual material, or photographs , of adults engaged in activities involving sadomasochism, bondage, dominance and submission, fetishes, and other related subjects, which may involve male and/or female nudity, objectionable. You also hereby certify that you are aware of the laws of the city, state, and country in which you reside and that the viewing of such materials does not violate the community standards, or any law, code, statute, or rule, of your home city, state/province, or country. We will not permit any person under the age of 18, or of legal adulthood in your state or province, to access or view this Web site.
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You hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold LoftNC, as well as any persons affiliated with our web site, including, but not limited to, other dominas, professional submissives and models mentioned, featured, or advertised on our site, contributing photographers or story writers, our Web site designer, our online service provider, and our hosting company, harmless from any liability, loss, claim, or expense, including attorney’s fees and court costs and expenses, related to any violation you commit of this Terms of Use Agreement.
You hereby understand and agree that LoftNC, as well as any persons affiliated with our web site, including, but not limited to, other dominas, professional submissives and models mentioned, featured, or advertised on our site, contributing photographers or story writers, our web site designer, our online service provider, and our hosting company, is not liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), product liability, or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. The limitations of such damages are fundamental elements of the basis of any commercial transaction between yourself and LoftNC. You understand that the information, goods, or services provided from this site would not be provided without such limitations. You understand that some state statutes may apply regarding limitations of liability.
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