Come as You Are


Come as you are, just exactly as you are.

You are perfect in your brokenness,
with your distrust of others,
with your psychological disorders.

You are perfect with your peculiarities,
your closeted fetishes,
your secret proclivities.

You are perfect the size you are,
with extra here and there, or
with your bones slightly protruding.

You are perfect with your pain, or
with your zest for life, or
with the fears that hold you back.

You are perfect, just the way you are.
So, please, come as you are.

There is someone here who will accept you,
even love and cherish you, just as you are.
There is no reason to change;
just be you, exactly the way you are.
You are perfect at being you,
and you are appreciated for being
the unique individual that is you.

Reach out and show us who you are,
so we can accept you, appreciate you.
There is someone here for you.
But, please, come as you are…

(Dedicated to a beautiful lady who found life too hard, someone I wish I had known well enough to call a friend. May you find solace and peace.)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

(800) 273-8255

(9-10-15)Original Writing by Bella-Bordeaux

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